Net sales by business area 2024/2025 2023/2024
Quarterly data, SEKm Q1 Q4 Q3 Q2 Q1
Automation 910 957 868 862 897
Electrification 1,119 1,040 1,007 1,029 1,024
Energy 1,459 1,276 1,306 1,297 1,428
Industrial Solutions 968 930 906 835 923
Process Technology 987 899 878 863 824
Group items -5 -11 -5 -7 -7
Addtech Group 5,438 5,091 4,960 4,879 5,089
EBITA by business area 2024/2025 2023/2024
Quarterly data, SEKm Q1 Q4 Q3 Q2 Q1
Automation 117 132 104 114 109
Electrification 150 135 112 137 130
Energy 212 142 171 172 198
Industrial Solutions 216 215 188 194 157
Process Technology 143 143 119 124 112
Group items -7 -4 -20 -14 -10
EBITA 831 763 674 727 696
Depr. of intangible non-current assets -118 -114 -110 -109 -101
– of which acquisitions -111 -107 -104 -101 -96
Operating profit 713 649 564 618 595
Net sales 3 months Rolling 12 months
SEKm 30 Jun 2024 30 Jun 2023 30 Jun 2024 31 Mar 2024
Automation 910 897 3,597 3,584
Electrification 1,119 1,024 4,195 4,100
Energy 1,459 1,428 5,338 5,307
Industrial Solutions 968 923 3,639 3,594
Process Technology 987 824 3,627 3,464
Group items -5 -7 -28 -30
Addtech Group 5,438 5,089 20,368 20,019
EBITA and EBITA-margin 3 months Rolling 12 months
30 Jun 2024 30 Jun 2023 30 Jun 2024 31 Mar 2024
SEKm % SEKm % SEKm % SEKm %
Automation 117 12.9 109 12.2 467 13.0 459 12.8
Electrification 150 13.4 130 12.7 534 12.7 514 12.5
Energy 212 14.5 198 13.9 697 13.1 683 12.9
Industrial Solutions 216 22.4 157 17.1 813 22.3 754 21.0
Process Technology 143 14.5 112 13.6 529 14.6 498 14.4
Group items -7 -10 -45 -48
EBITA 831 15.3 696 13.7 2,995 14.7 2,860 14.3
Depr. of intangible non-current assets -118 -101 -451 -434
– of which acquisitions -111 -96 -423 -408
Operating profit 713 13.1 595 11.7 2,544 12.5 2,426 12.1


Net sales by the customer's
geographical location
3 months
30 Jun 2024
SEKm Automation Electrification Energy Industrial Solutions Process Technology Group items Addtech Group
Sweden 243 313 348 321 191 - 1,416
Denmark 165 88 224 9 158 0 644
Finland 153 116 106 177 111 0 663
Norway 65 99 270 86 148 - 668
Other Europe 248 449 405 223 279 - 1,604
Other countries 35 54 105 151 98 - 443
Group items 1 0 1 1 2 -5 -
Total 910 1,119 1,459 968 987 -5 5,438
Net sales by the customer's
geographical location
3 months
30 Jun 2023
SEKm Automation Electrification Energy Industrial Solutions Process Technology Group items Addtech Group
Sweden 216 283 352 311 181 - 1,343
Denmark 172 96 260 7 134 0 669
Finland 156 105 112 187 108 - 668
Norway 55 91 289 43 124 - 602
Other Europe 255 397 334 213 203 - 1,402
Other countries 42 51 80 161 71 - 405
Group items 1 1 1 1 3 -7 -
Total 897 1,024 1,428 923 824 -7 5,089
Net sales per customer's segment 3 months
30 Jun 2024
SEKm Automation Electrification Energy Industrial Solutions Process Technology Group items Addtech Group
Building & Installation 39 72 292 26 16 - 445
Data & Telecommunications 31 46 113 0 1 - 191
Electronics 58 283 50 3 4 0 398
Energy 45 163 666 11 180 - 1,065
Vehicles 61 159 16 341 50 - 627
Medical technology 141 122 9 5 63 - 340
Mechanical industry 250 118 84 98 122 - 672
Forestry & Process 116 14 33 322 343 - 828
Transport 31 23 111 63 152 - 380
Other 137 119 84 98 54 0 492
Group items 1 0 1 1 2 -5 -
Total 910 1,119 1,459 968 987 -5 5,438
Net sales per customer's segment 3 months
30 Jun 2023
SEKm Automation Electrification Energy Industrial Solutions Process Technology Group items Addtech Group
Building & Installation 38 83 294 25 17 - 457
Data & Telecommunications 29 54 110 0 1 - 194
Electronics 63 250 60 3 6 0 382
Energy 59 141 654 8 117 - 979
Vehicles 55 136 16 346 53 - 606
Medical technology 151 129 10 4 54 - 348
Mechanical industry 246 101 86 86 123 - 642
Forestry & Process 105 15 34 290 296 - 740
Transport 43 12 106 67 120 - 348
Other 107 102 57 93 34 0 393
Group items 1 1 1 1 3 -7 -
Total 897 1,024 1,428 923 824 -7 5,089

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