3 months Rolling 12 months
SEKm 30 Jun 2024 30 Jun 2023 30 Jun 2024 31 Mar 2024
Net sales 5,438 5,089 20,368 20,019
Cost of sales -3,678 -3,518 -13,832 -13,672
Gross profit 1,760 1,571 6,536 6,347
Selling expenses -795 -713 -3,014 -2,932
Administrative expenses -258 -249 -988 -979
Other operating income and expenses 6 -14 10 -10
Operating profit 713 595 2,544 2,426
- as % of net sales 13.1 11.7 12.5 12.1
Financial income and expenses -69 -86 -226 -243
Profit after financial items 644 509 2,318 2,183
- as % of net sales 11.8 10.0 11.4 10.9
Income tax expense -149 -117 -524 -492
Profit for the period 495 392 1,794 1,691
Profit for the period attributable to:
Equity holders of the Parent Company 480 378 1,734 1,632
Non-controlling interests 15 14 60 59
Earnings per share before dilution, SEK 1.80 1.40 6.45 6.05
Earnings per share after dilution, SEK 1.80 1.40 6.45 6.05
Average number of shares after repurchases, ’000s 269,806 269,565 269,694 269,634
Number of shares at end of the period, ’000s 269,809 269,566 269,809 269,779


3 months Rolling 12 months
SEKm 30 Jun 2024 30 Jun 2023 30 Jun 2024 31 Mar 2024
Profit for the period 495 392 1,794 1,691
Components that will be reclassified to profit for the year
Cash flow hedges - 4 -7 -3
Foreign currency translation differences for the period -61 363 -240 184
Components that will not be reclassified to profit for the year
Actuarial effects of the net pension obligation - - -18 -18
Other comprehensive income -61 367 -265 163
Total comprehensive income 434 759 1,529 1,854
Total comprehensive income attributable to:
Equity holders of the Parent Company 421 734 1,477 1,790
Non-controlling interests 13 25 52 64


SEKm 30 Jun 2024 30 Jun 2023 31 Mar 2024
Goodwill 4,922 4,365 4,716
Other intangible non-current assets 2,870 2,672 2,750
Property, plant and equipment 1,404 1,280 1,325
Other non-current assets 74 80 74
Total non-current assets 9,270 8,397 8,865
Inventories 3,165 3,457 3,125
Current receivables 4,112 3,830 3,869
Cash and cash equivalents 1,129 879 798
Total current assets 8,406 8,166 7,792
Total assets 17,676 16,563 16,657
Total equity 6,899 6,364 6,478
Interest-bearing provisions 246 219 241
Non-interest-bearing provisions 798 706 767
Non-current interest-bearing liabilities 4,465 3,488 3,892
Non-current non-interest-bearing liabilities 24 23 25
Total non-current liabilities 5,533 4,436 4,925
Non-interest-bearing provisions 124 110 109
Current interest-bearing liabilities 1,199 1,701 1,333
Current non-interest-bearing liabilities 3,921 3,952 3,812
Total current liabilities 5,244 5,763 5,254
Total equity and liabilities 17,676 16,563 16,657


SEKm 30 Jun 2024 30 Jun 2023 31 Mar 2024
Opening balance 6,478 5,573 5,573
Exercised, issued and repurchased options 0 -1 9
Repurchase of treasury shares - - -
Dividend, ordinary - - -674
Dividend, non-controlling interests - -3 -48
Change, non-controlling interests 20 36 93
Option debt, acquisition -33 - -329
Total comprehensive income 434 759 1,854
Closing balance 6,899 6,364 6,478


3 months Rolling 12 months
SEKm 30 Jun 2024 30 Jun 2023 30 Jun 2024 31 Mar 2024
Profit after financial items 644 509 2,318 2,183
Adjustment for items not included in cash flow 251 273 820 842
Income tax paid -77 -56 -543 -522
Changes in working capital -216 -179 35 72
Cash flow from operating activities 602 547 2,630 2,575
Net investments in non-current assets -63 -31 -211 -179
Acquisitions and disposals -445 -534 -1,214 -1,303
Cash flow from investing activities -508 -565 -1,425 -1,482
Dividend paid to shareholders - - -674 -674
Repurchase of own shares/change of options 0 -1 10 9
Other financing activities 244 256 -269 -257
Cash flow from financing activities 244 255 -933 -922
Cash flow for the period 338 237 272 171
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period 798 606 879 606
Exchange differences on cash and cash equivalents -7 36 -22 21
Cash and cash equivalents at end of period 1,129 879 1,129 798


30 Jun 2024 31 Mar 2024
SEKm Carrying amount Level 2 Level 3 Carrying amount Level 2 Level 3
Derivatives - fair value, hedge instruments - - - - - -
Derivatives - fair value through profit 6 6 - 7 7 -
Total financial assets at fair value per level 6 6 - 7 7 -
Derivatives - fair value, hedge instruments - - - - - -
Derivatives - fair value through profit 20 20 - 20 20 -
Contingent considerations - fair value through profit 406 - 406 360 - 360
Total financial liabilities at fair value per level 426 20 406 380 20 360
The fair value and carrying amount are recognised in the balance sheet as shown in the table above.
For quoted securities, the fair value is determined on the basis of the asset’s quoted price in an active market, level 1.
As of the reporting date the Group had no items in this category.
For currency contracts and embedded derivatives, the fair value is determined on the basis of observable market data, level 2.
For contingent considerations, a cash-flow-based valuation is performed, which is not based on observable market data, level 3.
For the Group’s other financial assets and liabilities, fair value is estimated to be the same as the carrying amount.
Contingent considerations 30 Jun 2024 31 Mar 2024
Opening balance 360 295
Acquisitions during the year 64 251
Adjustments through profit or loss 6 -15
Consideration paid -29 -200
Interest expenses 4 15
Exchange differences 1 14
Closing balance 406 360


12 months ending
30 Jun 2024 31 Mar 2024 30 Jun 2023 31 Mar 2023 31 Mar 2022
Net sales, SEKm 20,368 20,019 19,427 18,714 14,038
EBITDA, SEKm 3,390 3,245 3,012 2,872 2,077
EBITA, SEKm 2,995 2,860 2,666 2,540 1,803
EBITA-margin, % 14.7 14.3 13.7 13.6 12.8
Operating profit, SEKm 2,544 2,426 2,280 2,167 1,501
Operating margin, % 12.5 12.1 11.7 11.6 10.7
Profit after financial items, SEKm 2,318 2,183 2,076 2,005 1,433
Profit for the period, SEKm 1,794 1,691 1,602 1,554 1,117
Working capital 4,246 4,219 4,055 3,855 2,618
Return on working capital (P/WC), % 71 68 66 66 69
Return on equity, % 28 28 30 32 30
Return on capital employed, % 22 22 22 22 20
Equity ratio, % 39 39 38 36 34
Financial debt, SEKm 4,781 4,668 4,529 4,325 4,061
Debt / equity ratio, multiple 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.8 1.0
Financial debt / EBITDA, multiple 1.4 1.4 1.5 1.5 2.0
Net debt excl. pensions, SEKm 4,535 4,427 4,310 4,107 3,747
Net debt, excl. pensions / equity ratio, multiple 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.9
Interest coverage ratio, multiple 8.9 8.7 11.9 13.7 22.4
Average number of employees 4,165 4,109 3,882 3,781 3,317
Number of employees at end of the period 4,239 4,175 4,108 3,911 3,556


12 months ending
SEK 30 Jun 2024 31 Mar 2024 30 Jun 2023 31 Mar 2023 31 Mar 2022
Earnings per share before dilution 6.45 6.05 5.75 5.55 4.00
Earnings per share after dilution 6.45 6.05 5.75 5.55 3.95
Cash flow from operating activities per share 9.75 9.55 8.10 7.10 4.15
Shareholders’ equity per share 24.30 22.15 21.95 19.25 14.60
Share price at the end of the period 263.40 243.80 234.80 192.30 182.00
Average number of shares after repurchases, ’000s 269,694 269,634 269,560 269,557 269,400
Average number of shares adjusted for repurchases and dilution, ’000s 269,817 269,761 269,780 269,723 270,346
Number of shares outstanding at end of the period, ’000s 269,809 269,779 269,566 269,565 269,528
For definitions of key financial indicators, see page 17-19.

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